- Legal Resources for the 24060 Zip Code
- Statistics for the 24060 Zip Code
- Property/Housing/Real Estate Information for the 24060 Zip Code
- Family Information for the 24060 Zip Code
- Education Information for the 24060 Zip Code
- Public Benefits Information for the 24060 Zip Code
- Immigration & Civil Rights Information for the 24060 Zip Code
- Cities for the 24060 Zip Code
Legal Resources for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Virginia Constitution
Virginia Codes
Virginia State Resources
Virginia Website
Virginia Governor
Virginia Legislature
Virginia Courts
Virginia Government Resources
State Attorney General
Federal Courts
Virginia Western
- US Attorneys [ Roanoke - Main Office | Abingdon | Charlottesville ]
- Public Defenders [ Main Office | Satellite Office | Satellite Office ]
- Bankruptcy Court [ Main Office - Roanoke | Harrisonburg | Lynchburg ]
- District Court [ Main Office - Roanoke | Abingdon | Big Stone Gap | Charlottesville | Danville | Harrisonburg | Lynchburg ]
- Probation Office [ Main Office - Roanoke | Abingdon | Big Stone Gap | Charlottesville | Danville | Harrisonburg | Lynchburg ]
Statistics for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
- Population (2000): 48,532
- Land Area (2000): 348.984 square kilometers
- Water Area (2000): 0.083 square kilometers
Houses (2000): 17,682
Population - Urban/Rural for the 24060 Zip Code
Urban/Rural | Population | Percent |
Urban | 40,703 | 83.76% |
Rural, Farm | 147 | 0.30% |
Rural, Non-farm | 7,745 | 15.94% |
Employment Information for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Hours Worked Per Week In 1999 for the 24060 Zip Code
Hours Per Week | Population | Percent |
35 or more hours | 20,989 | 48.37% |
15-35 hours | 10,982 | 25.31% |
1-14 hours | 2,472 | 5.70% |
No regular hours | 8,952 | 20.63% |
Time Left For Work for the 24060 Zip Code
Time | Population | Percent |
Midnight-4:59 AM | 386 | 1.95% |
5 AM-5:29 AM | 230 | 1.16% |
5:30 AM-5:59 AM | 207 | 1.05% |
6 AM-6:29 AM | 641 | 3.25% |
6:30 AM-6:59 AM | 922 | 4.67% |
7 AM-7:29 AM | 1,980 | 10.03% |
7:30 AM-7:59 AM | 3,686 | 18.66% |
8 AM-8:29 AM | 2,366 | 11.98% |
8:30 AM-8:59 AM | 1,842 | 9.33% |
9:00 AM-9:59 AM | 1,918 | 9.71% |
10:00 AM-10:59 AM | 990 | 5.01% |
11:00 AM-11:59 AM | 386 | 1.95% |
Noon-3:59 PM | 2,100 | 10.63% |
4 PM-11:59 PM | 2,095 | 10.61% |
Length Of Commute In Minutes for the 24060 Zip Code
Minutes | Population | Percent |
Less than 5 | 971 | 4.92% |
5-9 | 4,854 | 24.58% |
10-14 | 5,027 | 25.45% |
15-19 | 3,892 | 19.71% |
20-24 | 1,791 | 9.07% |
25-29 | 571 | 2.89% |
30-34 | 1,174 | 5.94% |
35-39 | 209 | 1.06% |
40-44 | 240 | 1.22% |
45-59 | 536 | 2.71% |
60-89 | 234 | 1.18% |
At least 90 | 250 | 1.27% |
Length Of Commute In Minutes - Public vs. Private Transportation for the 24060 Zip Code
Minutes | Population (public) | Percent | Population (private) | Percent |
Under 30 | 1,031 | 5.22% | 16,075 | 81.40% |
30-44 | 108 | 0.55% | 1,515 | 7.67% |
45-59 | 7 | 0.04% | 529 | 2.68% |
At least 60 | 0 | 0.00% | 484 | 2.45% |
Type Of Commute for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
Bicycle | 286 | 1.40% |
Car / truck / van, carpool | 1,877 | 9.17% |
Car / truck / van, solo | 14,475 | 70.75% |
Motorcycle | 15 | 0.07% |
Other | 117 | 0.57% |
Public transportation | 1,146 | 5.60% |
Walked | 1,833 | 8.96% |
Worked at home | 711 | 3.48% |
Family Information for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Families where both partners work (2000): 3,031
People at same address in 1995: 12,684
Household Income in 1999 for the 24060 Zip Code
Income | Population | Percent |
Under $10,000 | 3,340 | 19.69% |
$10,000-$14,999 | 1,777 | 10.48% |
$15,000-$19,999 | 1,683 | 9.92% |
$20,000-$24,999 | 1,368 | 8.07% |
$25,000-$29,999 | 1,099 | 6.48% |
$30,000-$34,999 | 833 | 4.91% |
$35,000-$39,999 | 823 | 4.85% |
$40,000-$44,999 | 701 | 4.13% |
$45,000-$49,999 | 645 | 3.80% |
$50,000-$59,999 | 913 | 5.38% |
$60,000-$74,999 | 1,041 | 6.14% |
$75,000-$99,999 | 1,192 | 7.03% |
$100,000-$124,999 | 570 | 3.36% |
$125,000-$149,999 | 408 | 2.41% |
$150,000-$199,999 | 223 | 1.31% |
$200,000 or more | 346 | 2.04% |
Household Type for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
Nonfamily, 1 person | 4,558 | 26.96% |
Family, 2 people | 3,472 | 20.54% |
Nonfamily, 2 people | 2,485 | 14.70% |
Family, 3 people | 1,778 | 10.52% |
Nonfamily, 3 people | 1,214 | 7.18% |
Family, 4 people | 1,391 | 8.23% |
Nonfamily, 4 people | 1,337 | 7.91% |
Family, 5 people | 434 | 2.57% |
Nonfamily, 5 people | 81 | 0.48% |
Family, 6 people | 108 | 0.64% |
Nonfamily, 6 people | 11 | 0.07% |
Family, 7 or more people | 31 | 0.18% |
Nonfamily, 7 or more people | 5 | 0.03% |
Household Income Type for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
Earnings | 14,542 | 32.52% |
Interest / Dividend / Rent | 7,434 | 16.62% |
Public Assistance | 309 | 0.69% |
Retirement | 1,959 | 4.38% |
Self Employment | 1,770 | 3.96% |
Social Security | 2,462 | 5.50% |
Supplemental Security | 354 | 0.79% |
Wage / Salary | 14,277 | 31.92% |
Other | 1,616 | 3.61% |
Family Type for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
No children under 18 | 3,433 | 56.83% |
With children under 18 | 2,608 | 43.17% |
Marital Status - Male (for those 15+ in 2000) for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
Divorced | 926 | 3.86% |
Married | 7,679 | 31.99% |
Never Married | 15,183 | 63.26% |
Widowed | 214 | 0.89% |
Marital Status - Female (for those 15+ in 2000) for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
Divorced | 932 | 4.73% |
Married | 7,319 | 37.14% |
Never Married | 10,328 | 52.40% |
Widowed | 1,130 | 5.73% |
Education Information for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Highest Degree Earned (18 or older) for the 24060 Zip Code
Degree | Population | Percent |
Less than 9th grade | 879 | 2.06% |
9th-12th grade, no diploma | 1,472 | 3.45% |
High school diploma or equivalent | 5,257 | 12.31% |
Some college, no degree | 20,248 | 47.41% |
Associate degree | 1,793 | 4.20% |
Bachelors degree | 6,494 | 15.21% |
Graduate or professional degree | 6,565 | 15.37% |
Population In School (3 or older) for the 24060 Zip Code
School Level | In Public School | Percent | In Private School | Percent | Total | Percent |
Nursery or preschool | 155 | 0.32% | 316 | 0.65% | 471 | 0.97% |
Kindergarten | 260 | 0.54% | 50 | 0.10% | 310 | 0.64% |
Grades 1-4 | 1,154 | 2.38% | 178 | 0.37% | 1,332 | 2.74% |
Grades 5-8 | 1,169 | 2.41% | 138 | 0.28% | 1,307 | 2.69% |
Grades 9-12 | 1,100 | 2.27% | 84 | 0.17% | 1,184 | 2.44% |
Undergrad college | 20,795 | 42.85% | 321 | 0.66% | 21,116 | 43.51% |
Graduate or professional school | 3,180 | 6.55% | 84 | 0.17% | 3,264 | 6.73% |
Total | 27,813 | 57.31% | 1,171 | 2.41% | 28,984 | 59.72% |
Public Benefits Information for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Above Or Below Poverty Level In 1999 for the 24060 Zip Code
Above/Below | Population | Percent |
At Or Above Poverty Level | 25,809 | 64.36% |
Below Poverty Level | 14,289 | 35.64% |
Immigration & Civil Rights Information for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Population By Age for the 24060 Zip Code
Age | Population | Percent |
0-9 Years | 3,194 | 6.58% |
10-19 Years | 10,072 | 20.75% |
20-29 Years | 19,726 | 40.65% |
30-39 Years | 4,398 | 9.06% |
40-49 Years | 3,940 | 8.12% |
50-59 Years | 2,973 | 6.13% |
60-69 Years | 1,922 | 3.96% |
70-79 Years | 1,370 | 2.82% |
80-89 Years | 779 | 1.61% |
90+ Years | 158 | 0.33% |
Population - Male/Female for the 24060 Zip Code
Male/Female | Population | Percent |
Male | 26,559 | 54.72% |
Female | 21,973 | 45.28% |
Population By Ethnicity for the 24060 Zip Code
Ethnicity | Population | Percent |
Caucasian | 41,331 | 85.16% |
Asian | 3,195 | 6.58% |
African-American | 1,871 | 3.86% |
Hispanic/Latino | 1,000 | 2.06% |
Multiracial | 951 | 1.96% |
Other Race | 98 | 0.20% |
Amerindian | 64 | 0.13% |
Pacific Islander | 22 | 0.05% |
Top Specified Ancestries for the 24060 Zip Code
Rank | Ancestry | Population | Percent Of Specified Ancestries |
1. | German | 9,272 | 21.37% |
2. | English | 6,820 | 15.72% |
3. | Irish | 6,124 | 14.12% |
4. | United States Or American | 3,395 | 7.83% |
5. | Italian | 2,842 | 6.55% |
6. | Scottish | 1,927 | 4.44% |
7. | Scotch Irish | 1,888 | 4.35% |
8. | Polish | 1,294 | 2.98% |
9. | French Non-Basque | 1,176 | 2.71% |
10. | European | 728 | 1.68% |
Top Languages Spoken At Home for the 24060 Zip Code
Rank | Language | Population | Percent Of Reported Languages |
1. | Only English | 41,643 | 88.79% |
2. | Spanish Or Spanish Creole | 1,144 | 2.44% |
3. | Chinese | 788 | 1.68% |
4. | Korean | 594 | 1.27% |
5. | Arabic | 303 | 0.65% |
6. | German | 295 | 0.63% |
7. | French | 258 | 0.55% |
8. | Other Indic | 206 | 0.44% |
9. | Hindi | 192 | 0.41% |
10. | Other Asian | 182 | 0.39% |
Citizen Type for the 24060 Zip Code
Type | Population | Percent |
Citizen by birth | 44,136 | 90.82% |
Naturalized immigrant | 1,089 | 2.24% |
Not a citizen | 3,370 | 6.93% |
Cities for the 24060 Zip Code Back to top
Alphabetical | By Population
Blacksburg |