1. Legal Resources for the 64093 Zip Code
  2. Statistics for the 64093 Zip Code
  3. Property/Housing/Real Estate Information for the 64093 Zip Code
  4. Family Information for the 64093 Zip Code
  5. Education Information for the 64093 Zip Code
  6. Public Benefits Information for the 64093 Zip Code
  7. Criminal Information for the 64093 Zip Code
  8. Immigration & Civil Rights Information for the 64093 Zip Code
  9. Cities for the 64093 Zip Code

Legal Resources for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top

Missouri Constitution
Missouri Codes

Missouri State Resources
Missouri Website
Missouri Governor
Missouri Legislature
Missouri Courts
Missouri Government Resources

State Attorney General
Federal Courts
Missouri Western

Statistics for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
  • Population (2000): 24,252
  • Land Area (2000): 483.710 square kilometers
  • Water Area (2000): 0.975 square kilometers
Back to top
Houses (2000): 9,551
Population - Urban/Rural for the 64093 Zip Code
Urban/Rural Population Percent
Color 0 Box Urban 18,071 74.41%
Color 1 Box Rural, Farm 643 2.65%
Color 2 Box Rural, Non-farm 5,572 22.94%

Employment Information for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Hours Worked Per Week In 1999 for the 64093 Zip Code
Hours Per Week Color 0 Box Population Percent
35 or more hours 10,504 53.48%
15-35 hours 3,997 20.35%
1-14 hours 735 3.74%
No regular hours 4,405 22.43%

Time Left For Work for the 64093 Zip Code
Time Color 0 Box Population Percent
Midnight-4:59 AM 342 2.87%
5 AM-5:29 AM 395 3.31%
5:30 AM-5:59 AM 423 3.55%
6 AM-6:29 AM 773 6.48%
6:30 AM-6:59 AM 1,015 8.51%
7 AM-7:29 AM 1,630 13.67%
7:30 AM-7:59 AM 1,659 13.92%
8 AM-8:29 AM 1,134 9.51%
8:30 AM-8:59 AM 543 4.55%
9:00 AM-9:59 AM 646 5.42%
10:00 AM-10:59 AM 411 3.45%
11:00 AM-11:59 AM 211 1.77%
Noon-3:59 PM 1,450 12.16%
4 PM-11:59 PM 1,289 10.81%

Length Of Commute In Minutes for the 64093 Zip Code
Minutes Color 0 Box Population Percent
Less than 5 937 7.86%
5-9 2,847 23.88%
10-14 2,603 21.84%
15-19 1,841 15.44%
20-24 892 7.48%
25-29 302 2.53%
30-34 698 5.86%
35-39 195 1.64%
40-44 113 0.95%
45-59 499 4.19%
60-89 705 5.91%
At least 90 289 2.42%

Length Of Commute In Minutes - Public vs. Private Transportation for the 64093 Zip Code

Minutes Color 0 Box Population (public) Percent Color 1 Box Population (private) Percent
Under 30 28 0.23% 9,394 78.80%
30-44 0 0.00% 1,006 8.44%
45-59 0 0.00% 499 4.19%
At least 60 0 0.00% 994 8.34%

Type Of Commute for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Population Percent
Color 0 Box Bicycle 33 0.27%
Color 1 Box Car / truck / van, carpool 1,363 11.12%
Color 2 Box Car / truck / van, solo 9,613 78.43%
Color 3 Box Motorcycle 14 0.11%
Color 4 Box Other 42 0.34%
Color 5 Box Public transportation 28 0.23%
Color 6 Box Walked 828 6.76%
Color 7 Box Worked at home 336 2.74%

Family Information for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Families where both partners work (2000): 2,393
People at same address in 1995: 7,966
Household Income in 1999 for the 64093 Zip Code

Income Population Percent
Under $10,000 1,397 15.66%
$10,000-$14,999 694 7.78%
$15,000-$19,999 735 8.24%
$20,000-$24,999 595 6.67%
$25,000-$29,999 605 6.78%
$30,000-$34,999 550 6.17%
$35,000-$39,999 519 5.82%
$40,000-$44,999 450 5.04%
$45,000-$49,999 440 4.93%
$50,000-$59,999 914 10.25%
$60,000-$74,999 754 8.45%
$75,000-$99,999 722 8.09%
$100,000-$124,999 308 3.45%
$125,000-$149,999 82 0.92%
$150,000-$199,999 82 0.92%
$200,000 or more 74 0.83%

Household Type for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Population Percent
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 1 person 2,354 26.43%
Color 0 Box Family, 2 people 2,337 26.24%
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 2 people 886 9.95%
Color 0 Box Family, 3 people 1,241 13.93%
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 3 people 279 3.13%
Color 0 Box Family, 4 people 1,091 12.25%
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 4 people 83 0.93%
Color 0 Box Family, 5 people 417 4.68%
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 5 people 22 0.25%
Color 0 Box Family, 6 people 135 1.52%
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 6 people 11 0.12%
Color 0 Box Family, 7 or more people 47 0.53%
Color 1 Box Nonfamily, 7 or more people 3 0.03%

Household Income Type for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Color 0 Box Population Percent
Earnings 7,449 30.76%
Interest / Dividend / Rent 3,126 12.91%
Public Assistance 201 0.83%
Retirement 1,554 6.42%
Self Employment 1,303 5.38%
Social Security 1,812 7.48%
Supplemental Security 261 1.08%
Wage / Salary 7,257 29.97%
Other 1,253 5.17%

Family Type for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Population Percent
Color 0 Box No children under 18 2,195 51.06%
Color 1 Box With children under 18 2,104 48.94%

Marital Status - Male (for those 15+ in 2000) for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Population Percent
Color 0 Box Divorced 758 7.66%
Color 1 Box Married 4,840 48.92%
Color 2 Box Never Married 4,155 42.00%
Color 3 Box Widowed 140 1.42%

Marital Status - Female (for those 15+ in 2000) for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Population Percent
Color 0 Box Divorced 1,050 10.35%
Color 1 Box Married 4,784 47.14%
Color 2 Box Never Married 3,559 35.07%
Color 3 Box Widowed 755 7.44%

Education Information for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Highest Degree Earned (18 or older) for the 64093 Zip Code
Degree Population Percent
Color 0 Box Less than 9th grade 472 2.48%
Color 1 Box 9th-12th grade, no diploma 1,166 6.12%
Color 2 Box High school diploma or equivalent 4,006 21.01%
Color 3 Box Some college, no degree 7,774 40.78%
Color 4 Box Associate degree 898 4.71%
Color 5 Box Bachelors degree 2,606 13.67%
Color 6 Box Graduate or professional degree 2,143 11.24%

Population In School (3 or older) for the 64093 Zip Code
School Level Color 0 Box In Public School Percent Color 1 Box In Private School Percent Total Percent
Nursery or preschool 140 0.58% 161 0.66% 301 1.24%
Kindergarten 308 1.27% 12 0.05% 320 1.32%
Grades 1-4 942 3.88% 46 0.19% 988 4.07%
Grades 5-8 1,263 5.21% 16 0.07% 1,279 5.27%
Grades 9-12 1,160 4.78% 13 0.05% 1,173 4.84%
Undergrad college 5,774 23.81% 164 0.68% 5,938 24.48%
Graduate or professional school 560 2.31% 64 0.26% 624 2.57%
Total 10,147 41.84% 476 1.96% 10,623 43.80%

Public Benefits Information for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Above Or Below Poverty Level In 1999 for the 64093 Zip Code
Above/Below Population Percent
Color 0 Box At Or Above Poverty Level 17,234 80.19%
Color 1 Box Below Poverty Level 4,258 19.81%

Criminal Information for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Correctional Institution Population (2000): 38

Immigration & Civil Rights Information for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Population By Age for the 64093 Zip Code
Age Population Percent
0-9 Years 2,768 11.41%
10-19 Years 4,405 18.16%
20-29 Years 6,489 26.76%
30-39 Years 2,897 11.95%
40-49 Years 2,838 11.70%
50-59 Years 1,910 7.88%
60-69 Years 1,299 5.36%
70-79 Years 968 3.99%
80-89 Years 545 2.25%
90+ Years 133 0.55%

Population - Male/Female for the 64093 Zip Code
Male/Female Population Percent
Color 0 Box Male 11,966 49.34%
Color 1 Box Female 12,286 50.66%

Population By Ethnicity for the 64093 Zip Code
Ethnicity Population Percent
Color 0 Box Caucasian 21,327 87.94%
Color 1 Box African-American 1,221 5.03%
Color 3 Box Hispanic/Latino 527 2.17%
Color 2 Box Asian 516 2.13%
Color 7 Box Multiracial 460 1.90%
Color 4 Box Amerindian 137 0.56%
Color 6 Box Other Race 42 0.17%
Color 5 Box Pacific Islander 22 0.09%

Top Specified Ancestries for the 64093 Zip Code
Rank Ancestry Color 0 Box Population Percent Of Specified Ancestries
1. German 6,238 30.59%
2. Irish 3,482 17.08%
3. English 2,853 13.99%
4. United States Or American 2,210 10.84%
5. French Non-Basque 836 4.10%
6. Scottish 554 2.72%
7. Italian 550 2.70%
8. Scotch Irish 448 2.20%
9. Dutch 423 2.07%
10. Norwegian 415 2.04%

Top Languages Spoken At Home for the 64093 Zip Code
Rank Language Color 0 Box Population Percent Of Reported Languages
1. Only English 21,512 94.19%
2. Spanish Or Spanish Creole 392 1.72%
3. Chinese 159 0.70%
4. French 148 0.65%
5. German 108 0.47%
6. Other Asian 100 0.44%
7. Korean 70 0.31%
8. Arabic 68 0.30%
9. Japanese 45 0.20%
10. Urdu 42 0.18%

Citizen Type for the 64093 Zip Code
Type Population Percent
Color 0 Box Citizen by birth 23,425 96.45%
Color 1 Box Naturalized immigrant 288 1.19%
Color 2 Box Not a citizen 573 2.36%

Cities for the 64093 Zip Code Back to top
Alphabetical | By Population